Privacy Policy

1       Our Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy lets you know what happens to any personal data you provide us or any we may collect from or about you. It applies to all our products, services, and instances where we collect your personal data.
1.1      Background & Overview
At ParkInTown, we are committed to safeguarding and preserving your privacy. The following Privacy Policy sets out our practices concerning the personal information we collect from users of, including what happens to your personal information and how we use cookies on the site. By using the site, you are bound by the following privacy policy, so please read it carefully if you have any questions. If you do not agree with the Privacy Policy, please do not use the site and the app.
This Privacy Policy applies to personal information processed by or on behalf of F.N.G. APPLIED ENGINEERING SERVICES LTD, Company Number HE446347. Our address is Kosta Loizou, 18 Aglatzia, 2108, Nicosia
1.2      Changes to this Privacy Policy
We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes in the law and/or our privacy practices. We encourage you to check this Policy for changes whenever you visit our app or the website.
1.3      Our Data Protection Officer
We have a dedicated Data Protection Officer (“DPO”). You can contact the DPO using the details below, by writing to the above address, marking it for the DPO's attention, or by going to our Contact Us page.
2       What kinds of personal information about you do we process?
Personal information that we’ll process in connection with all of our products and services, if relevant, includes:
·       Personal and contact details, such as title, full name, telephone number, email address, and physical address.
·       We keep records of your contact with us, such as using our online services or via our smartphone app, and details such as your mobile phone location data, IP address, and location.
·       The usage of our products and services, and details related to this.
·       We market to you and analyze data, including the history of those communications, whether you open them or click on links, and information about products or services we think you may be interested in. We analyze data to help target offers to you that we think are of interest or relevance to you. Offers may include any of our other products and services.
·       Vehicle information, such as vehicle registration, make and model.
·       Third-party transactions: where a person other than the account holder uses the service, information about that person and the transaction.
2.1      What is the source of your personal information?
We collect personal information from the following general sources:
·       From you directly and any information from associates or beneficiaries of products and services.
·       Information generated about you when you use our products and services.
·       We use cookies to improve your experience of the service we provide. Some are strictly necessary for the functionality of our websites, some are used to enhance the performance of our website. As such, cookies are used to collect data about your website use so we can make it more convenient and useful for you: make it easier for you to log in; ensure you are secure when logged in; offer live chat support; enhance your user experience; might we send information to external sites to customize advertising; send you reminders; recognise your device so you don't have to give the same information several times during a single session; and, identify user behavior at both an aggregated level and for individual profiling to provide a better service. You can disable cookies through your computer settings to prohibit their use.
2.2      What do we use your personal data for?
We use your personal data for the following purposes:
·       Assess any spaces you register on the site to ensure they meet our minimum quality guidelines.
·       Managing the product or service you have with us.
·       Updating your records, tracing your whereabouts.
·       Managing any aspect of the product or service.
·       To make automated decisions on offering you a product or service or its terms.
·       To perform and/or test the performance of our products, services, and internal processes.
·       To improve the operation of our business and that of our business partners.
·       To follow guidance and best practices under the change to rules of governmental and regulatory bodies.
·       For management and auditing of our business operations, including accounting.
·       To monitor and keep records of our communications with you and our staff.
·       To administer our good governance requirements, such as internal reporting and compliance obligations.
·       For market research and analysis and developing statistics.
·       Assessing and profiling aspects of your vehicle.
·       For direct marketing communications and related profiling to help us to offer you relevant products and services, including deciding whether or not to offer you certain products and services. We’ll send marketing to you by SMS, email, phone, social media, and digital channels (for example, using Facebook Custom Audiences and Google Custom Match). Offers may relate to any of our products and services and any other offers and advice we think may be of interest.
·       To provide personalized content and services to you, such as tailoring our products and services, our digital customer experience and offerings, and deciding which offers or promotions to show you on our digital channels
·       To develop new products and services and review and improve current ones.
·       To comply with legal and regulatory obligations, requirements and guidance
·       To provide insight and analysis of our customers both for ourselves and for the benefit of business partners either as part of providing products or services, helping us improve products or services, or assessing or improving the operation of our businesses
·       To share information, as needed, with business partners (for example, financial services institutions and insurers), account beneficiaries, service providers or as part of providing and administering our products and services or operating our business
·       To facilitate the sale of one or more parts of our business
5. What are the legal grounds for processing your personal information (including when we share it with others)?
We rely on the following legal bases to use your personal data:
·       Where it is needed to provide you with our products or services, such as:
·       Account Information. When you sign up for a ParkInTown Account, we require certain information such as your first name, last name, email address, and phone number.
·       Profile and Listing Information. To use certain features of the ParkInTown Platform (such as creating a Listing), we may ask you to provide additional information, which may include your address, details of your listed location, and a profile picture.
·       Communications with ParkInTown and other Members. When you communicate with ParkInTown or use the ParkInTown Platform to communicate with other Members, we collect information about your communication and any information you choose to provide.
·       Where it is in our legitimate interests to do so, such as:
·       Geo-location Information. When you use certain features of the ParkInTown app, we may collect information about your precise or approximate location as determined through data such as your IP address or mobile device’s GPS to improve your user experience. Most mobile devices allow you to control or disable location services for applications in the device’s settings menu. ParkInTown may also collect this information even when you are not using the app if this connection is enabled through your settings or device permissions.
·       Usage Information. We collect information about your interactions with the ParkInTown Platform, such as the pages or content you view, your searches for parking, and other actions on the ParkInTown Platform.
·       Log Data and Device Information. We automatically collect log data and device information when you access and use the ParkInTown Platform, even if you have not created a ParkInTown Account or logged in. That information includes, among other things, details about how you’ve used the ParkInTown app (including if you clicked on links to third-party applications), IP address, access dates and times, hardware and software information, device information, device event information, unique identifiers, crash data, cookie data, and the pages you’ve viewed or engaged with before or after using the ParkInTown app.
·       Cookies and Similar Technologies. We use cookies and other similar technologies, such as web beacons, pixels, and mobile identifiers. We may also allow our business partners to use these tracking technologies on the ParkInTown app or engage others to track your behavior on our behalf. While you may disable the usage of cookies through your browser settings, the ParkInTown app currently does not respond to a “Do Not Track” signal in the HTTP header from your browser or mobile application due to a lack of standardization regarding how that signal should be interpreted.
·       Managing your products and services relating to that, updating your records, tracing your whereabouts to contact you about your account.
·       To perform and/or test the performance of our products, services, and internal processes.
·       To follow guidance and recommended best practices of government and regulatory bodies.
·       For management and audit of our business operations, including accounting.
·       To monitor and keep records of our communications with you and our staff.
·       To administer our good governance requirements, such as internal reporting and compliance obligations.
·       For market research and analysis and developing statistics.
·       For direct marketing communications and related profiling to help us to offer you relevant products and services, including deciding whether or not to offer you certain products and services. We will send marketing to you by SMS, email, phone, social media, and digital channels (for example, using Facebook Custom Audiences and Google Custom Match).
·       Subject to the appropriate controls, to provide insight and analysis of our customers to business partners either as part of providing products or services, helping us improve products or services, or to assess or to improve the operating of our businesses.
·       For some of our profiling and other automated decision-making.
·       We may need to share your personal information with people or organizations to run our business or comply with legal and/or regulatory obligations.
·       To comply with our legal obligations
·       With your consent or explicit consent:
·       For some direct marketing communications.
·       For some of our profiling and other automated decision-making.
2.3      When do we share your personal information with other organisations?
We may share information with the following third parties for the purposes listed above:
·       We may share your personal information with the owner of a parking space you have enquired about, whether that is a private owner or commercial partner of ParkInTown, in order that you receive a relevant response to your enquiry.
·       We may share your personal information with a third party in the event of a merger, transfer or sale of some or all of our assets.
2.4      How and when can you withdraw your consent?
We rely upon your consent to process personal data, but you can withdraw this at any time by contacting us via the details at the end of this Privacy Policy.
2.5      Is your personal information transferred outside the CY or the EEA?
We’re based in CY but on occasion it may be necessary to transfer your personal information outside the European Economic Area. If we do this, we’ll ensure that suitable safeguards are in place, for example, by using approved contractual agreements.
2.6      What should you do if your personal information changes?
You should update your personal details in your account or tell us so that we can update our records for you. You may use the details in the Contact Us section of our website or at the end of this document. We will then confirm with you that your details have been updated.
2.7      Do you have to provide your personal information to us?
We’re unable to provide you with our products or services if you do not provide certain information to us. In cases where providing some personal information is optional, we will make this clear.
2.8      Do we do any monitoring involving the processing of your personal information?
In this section, monitoring means any: recording of, viewing of, intercepting of, or taking and keeping records (as the case may be) of driving routes, or, GPS colaction. We may monitor where permitted by law and we’ll do this where the law requires it, or to comply with regulatory rules, to prevent or detect crime, in the interests of protecting the security of our communications systems and procedures and for quality control and staff training purposes. This information may be shared for the purposes described above.
2.9      What about other automated decision-making?
We sometimes make decisions about you using only technology, where none of our employees or any other individuals have been involved. For instance, we may do this to decide whether to offer you a product or service, to determine the risk of doing so, what terms and conditions to offer you, what recommendations to offer you to get the most from the service, assess insurance and business risks. We’ll do this where it is necessary to enter into or perform the relevant contract if it is authorized by laws that apply to us or based on your explicit consent.
2.10   For how long has your personal information been retained by us?
Unless we explain otherwise to you, we’ll hold your personal information based on the following criteria:
·       For as long as we have reasonable business needs, such as managing our relationship with you and managing our operations
·       For as long as we provide goods and/or services to you and then for as long as someone could bring a claim against us; and/or
·       Retention periods are in line with legal and regulatory requirements or guidance.
2.11   What are your rights under data protection laws?
Here is a list of all individuals' rights under data protection laws. They don’t apply in all circumstances. If you wish to use any of them, we’ll explain at that time if they are engaged or not.
·       The right to be informed about the processing of your personal information.
·       The right to correct your personal information if it is inaccurate and to complete incomplete personal information.
·       The right to object to the processing of your personal information.
·       The right to restrict the processing of your personal information.
·       The right to erase your personal information (the “right to be forgotten”).
·       The right to request access to your personal information and to obtain information about how we process it.
·       The right to move, copy or transfer your personal information (“data portability”).
·       Rights in relation to automated decision-making, which has a legal effect or otherwise significantly affects you.
·       You have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office , which enforces data protection laws. You can also contact us.
2.12   Your right to object
You have the right to object to certain processing purposes, in particular to data processed for direct marketing purposes and to data processed for certain reasons based on our legitimate interests. You can exercise these rights by contacting us via the details at the end of this document.
2.13   What are your marketing preferences, and what do they mean?
We may use your home address, phone number, email address, and social media or digital channels, for example, Facebook, Google, and message facilities in other platforms, to contact you. You can stop our marketing at any time by contacting us using the details below or by following the instructions in the communication.
2.14   Our use of hyperlinks to other websites
On occasion, we include hyperlinks to third parties on the website. Any information collected from you by a third-party site will be used in accordance with their Privacy Policy. Where we provide a hyperlink, it does not mean that we endorse that site’s Privacy Policy, and your use of that site is at your sole risk. If you access another site via a hyperlink found on our site, you should also read the Privacy Policy of that third-party site and contact them with any questions you may have.
2.15   Contact Us
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, or if you wish to exercise your rights you can contact us by going to our Contact Us page.