What is Smart Parking?

Smart Parking refers to a parking system that utilizes advanced technologies such as sensors, cameras, and mobile applications to provide real-time information about parking spaces, availability, and efficient management.


How does Smart Parking work?

Smart Parking systems typically employ sensors placed in parking spaces to detect occupancy. These sensors transmit real-time data to a centralized system or mobile application, allowing users to find available parking spots easily.


What are the benefits of using Smart Parking?

Using Smart Parking offers various benefits, such as reducing traffic congestion, optimizing parking space utilization, minimizing the time spent searching for parking, enhancing convenience for users, and promoting better environmental sustainability by reducing CO2 emissions.


Can I reserve a parking spot in advance with Smart Parking?

Yes, ParkInTown system allow users to reserve parking spaces in advance through mobile applications. This feature ensures a guaranteed parking spot, saving time and convenience for the users.


Is Smart Parking secure?

ParkInTown systems prioritize user security and privacy. The data collected by the sensors and cameras are anonymized, and policies are implemented to safeguard personal information. Additionally, these systems  have secure payment methods and encryption measures in place to protect user transactions.